Our Services

About General Dentistry
We pride ourselves in the level of care, attention and communication we provide to our patients. If you are looking for a fabulous new dentist or are struggling with pain or even an annoying niggle, please feel free to call or drop us a line and see how we can help.

About Cosmetic Dentistry
From tooth whitening to composite bonding, from diamond polish to veneers. We provide a vast array of cosmetic dental treatment to help you wake up every morning with the smile of your dreams. We are sad to hear so many of you are hiding away from family photos. We want to change that.
Get to know us
THE dentist Salisbury was created in 2004 by two best friends, Aly and Tash, both with a vision to provide pain free, luxury dentistry in Salisbury. We still remember receiving the phone call from our first ever patient whilst eating lunch out together. The gentle, relaxing nature of your visit starts when you enter our reception area. The environment is tranquil and therapeutic and our aim is to ensure every visit is relaxing and enjoyable.
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